ViewTGA is a targa viewing utility that is both fast and has good color mapping. You may view 8, 16, 24, or 32 bit targa files in either VGA mode 12 or 13 or in EGA mode 10. (We have not tested this on a real EGA, please let us know.) We believe that you will find that the colormapping and speed is some of the best available. Please let us know what you think of ViewTGA with mail to [70303,2714]. If you like this product, please send $20 (US) for a registered copy to: Pegasus Imaging Corp 5100 W. Kennedy Suite 255 Tampa, Florida 33609 (813) 287-8595 (voice) (813) 287-2059 (fax) Registered users will receive a copy of ViewTGA with Super VGA support (the SVGA version is not shareware!!). For $49 we will mail you the SVGA version, and several Targa conversion utilities which utilize the color mapping. The mapping from 24 bit color to 8 bit color is outstanding. This version is not shareware either! Please contact Pegasus Imaging (PIC) at the above phone for information on our complete line of imaging products. In addition to our own Targa and image conversion products we have a variety of fractal compression and decompression products based on technology from Iterated Systems, Inc of Atlanta.